Преимущества роботизированной хирургии позволяют проникновение к сердцу без повреждения ребер и без обширного вскрытия грудной клетки. Две из трех рук робота заменяют руки хирурга, третья служит камерой, которая передает во время операции трехмерное изображение грудной клетки. Робот помогает оградить артерию грудной клетки посредством небольшого разреза и затем соединяет ее с центральной артерией сердца.У роботизированной операции множество преимуществ: пациент испытывает гораздо меньшие боли, уменьшается риск угрозы операционных и послеоперационных осложнений, пациент быстрее восстанавливается после операции, практически отсутствует риск инфекции.
The scar is almost not visible after the procedure. Although the application requires very high experience and very high expertise of the surgeon, it is really a great blessing for the comfort of our patients.
After the treatment application, our patients usually stay in the intensive care unit for 1 day, and then after resting for 3-4 days in the service, we discharge our patients. Robotic systems have now replaced standard surgeries in cardiac surgery. The applications may take a little longer than standard surgeries, but some of our patients ask the following question at the discharge day: "Sir, did you really operate on us? We don't even see any scars on our body" We try to convince our patients that they had the bypass or valve surgery. It is of course understandible because most of our patients’ friends and relatives were operated on by conventional large incision technique, they are very enthusiastic about miniincision heart surgery. We are waiting for you all at the Saygin Clinic.
Especially recently, our patients have always been applying for robotic or minimally invasive heart surgery or heart valve surgery with small 8-10 cm incisions in the chest, but for this, we, as doctors, first need to thoroughly analyze whether our patient is suitable for this procedure. As in all vascular procedures, the suitability of the patient's anatomy is very important in cardiac surgery; the axis of the heart, the size of the heart, the force of contraction of the heart, although not decisive, are very important factors that we examine to help us make a decision.