There are two types of Holter treatment: In most of our patients, we as cardiovascular doctors; we encounter high blood pressure, rhythm disorders and palpitations. These rhythm disturbances and blood pressures need to be profiled regularly and periodically, and the device we call Holter is a mobile phone-sized device worn on the waist. We have devices that measure blood pressure and rhythm at the same time, as well as holter devices that only measure rhythm or only blood pressure. Here, we attach a blood pressure cuff on our patient’s arm, and the machine usually measures, writes, and records the blood pressure every 15 minutes or 30 minutes while you are living your normal day, normal life, normal eating and drinking, and normal working tempo, and thus both rhythm holter and blood pressure holter run for 24 hours and records everything. The machine remains in the body for 24 hours and we try to catch palpitation – aryythmia attacks or hypertension attacks in our patients.