We have tens of thousands of patients suffering from paralysis. There are millions of scientists in The World pursuing the cure for stroke. We brought a different perspective to the paralysis event at Saygın Klinik. In our patients who have had a stroke, we need to evaluate the patient within 3-6 hours whether we can perform any vascular opening or dissolving the clot, removing the clot that was embolised into the brain.
We are collaborating with many neurologists about this. If our patients can reach us, especially within the first 3 to 6 hours after the onset of stroke, we can enter the vessel with local anaesthesia in the groin area with long hair-thick devices such as special robotic instruments, remove the clot that hits/ occludes the brain vessel, reverse the stroke at the same time, so we can havea chance to treat paralysis instantly.
Apart from that, after a certain period of time, when our patients reach us, they can take their vascular analysis, vascular ultrasound, angio and brain MRI; Most of the time, we perform cerebral vascular surgery after researching which area is appropriate to what type of application. The step before the cerebrovascular surgery is the stenting procedure. If there are vessels that we cannot opened with the stent, then we go back to surgical intervention.
We take our patients to EECP treatment, where our patients who have had a stroke and they benefit greatly from the Saygın Clinic. EECP treatment, which lasts between 30-40 sessions, is a very important piece of the puzzle in our neurological treatment approach.
When patients enter this device, it enables the formation of many new collateral capillaries in the region of the clogged vessel of the brain. The same device ensures that new capillaries increase in –both in terms of number and diameter - every organ of the body, but mostly in the heart and brain. There are many studies on this subject at the American Drug and Food Licensing Institute, which we call FDA, and there are approvals showing that this device works, should be used and is beneficial in both heart failure and stroke.